Join Me in Telling Congress: Compassion, not Criminalization in Immigration Reform!
Over the years, the energy, hope, and cultural diversity of
immigrants have shaped the nation we are proud to call home
today. Yet recent months have seen the amplification of voices
increasingly hostile to America's vital immigrant population.
Congress is currently engaged in a high-stakes debate over how
to reform our broken immigration system. Today I wrote an e-mail
asking my senators to support justice and compassion - not
criminalization - in pending immigration reform legislation.
"The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen
among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were
aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus
Last December, the House of Representatives passed the Border
Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act
of 2005 (H.R. 4437). Many of the provisions of this punitive and
enforcement-focused bill are patently hostile to the alien among
us. On March 27, however, the Senate Judiciary Committee
approved an improved bill. The measure, passed 12-6, contains
many provisions supported by the faith community and other
advocates: It provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented
immigrants currently in the country; establishes a guest worker
program that can lead to citizenship; and establishes a new
temporary work program for undocumented agricultural workers. In
addition, the committee's bill differs from H.R. 4437 in that it
would not establish penalties for humanitarian and church groups
helping undocumented immigrants or criminalize undocumented
immigrants for being in the U.S. The Judiciary Committee bill is
a step forward in the debate.
As discussion of immigration reform moves to the full Senate, we
urge lawmakers to oppose punitive , enforcement-only measures
like those in H.R. 4437. Such measures not only run contrary to
the biblical mandate to welcome the stranger among us; they are
chillingly anti-work, anti-family, and anti-community, and they
will only exacerbate the problems of our fractured immigration
system. The Senate Judiciary Committee's bill has a better
approach than H.R. 4437.
Let's help, not hurt, our neighbors who are pursuing the
American dream of security, freedom, and opportunity. Send an
e-mail urging your senators to promote just and compassionate
immigration reform.
"I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35).
When Jesus was asked, "Who is my neighbor?" his answer was clear
and compelling in the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke
10:29-37). As his followers, we are called to tend to the
suffering stranger in our midst, our Jericho road. Let's help,
not hurt, our neighbors pursuing the American dream of security,
freedom, and opportunity.
Click here to take action today
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At 1:23 PM, April 30, 2006,
Bellota said…
I laid you article on my blog. Thanks for to help inmigrants, ´cause maybe they can lives good without them, but their life is better with them!!!!
I can see that you read the Bible, you can see the thruth!
My name is Paulina, I´m 21, and I´m salvadorean. My dad, mu uncle, my boyfriend, and my two best friends lives in California, and they works hardly every day.
At 6:51 PM, April 30, 2006,
Ryan said…
Well, there's no devil's advocate from me on this one, just an all out "amen." It's sad, but a lot of Americans believe that their security is in jeopardy here, so why should they be fighting to establish security for somebody else (especially the "enemy")?
But, when you treat outsiders as enemies to be feared, you "protect" yourself from the love you could've exchanged, therefore hurting yourself. So by trying to protect your security, you end up causing yourself the harm. I wish people could see this truth.
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